In the Summer 2010 issue of Outdoor Canada, Wilderness Medical Consultants was asked to send in a first aid tip for this 'Ultimate Danger Guide' issue. Here is a summary of the article.
"Survival Supplies - 7 resources to help keep you safe
#7 CANADA WEST Wilderness Medical Consultants. The only Canadian-based wilderness first aid outfit with a physician as director and lead instructor (John Peachell), this Golden, BC, company teaches courses for both outdoor professionals and weekend warriors. The program blends academics with realistic scenarios, including simulated injuries (see www.WildernessMedicalConsulants.ca)
SAMPLE TIP: If someone is accidentally shot by an arrow, trying to remove it, either by pulling it out or pushing it through, will likely lead to further injury. Instead, cut the shaft close to the wound, and stabilize it with adhesive tape. Place clean gauze dressings around the shaft to stop bleeding, and then get the victim to the hospital."